Here you will find fun game plays, guides and another useful information for games like Runescape, WoW, League of legends, GTA, and maybe more. So yea stick around and have fun! :)
So to progress further into runescape i decided to lvl up combat skills, because i need them for questing. But i decided to get 2 items before my melee journey to be as efficient as i can. Both items are obtained from Dungeoneering skill and cost 134k tokens.
Really useful items, with charming imp you can forget about picking charms which you will need for summoning, and with bonecrusher you will automatically bury bones of creatures that you kill. They are really worth getting if you want to get into combat skills seriously. Of course its kinda pain to get 134k tokens if your dungeoneering is low but hey i did it so you can too ;)
So lately i didn't have so much time and i was doing only daily minigames.
One of them is Big Chinchompa minigame where you can get 60k free hunter xp per day (depends on your hunter lvl of course)
In this minigame you just run around, catch as many moths as you can and get easy hunter xp rewards.
This is how you do it:
Go to minigame interface and check the timer, when its about to start get your self to the portal which is located in tree gnome stronghold near agility arena.
Go through portal and wait for little gnome to dig out of underground.
Then go to that cave and you will end up in minigame
Get yourself protea flower there and wield it (chance to catch highest possible moth)
Then run around fill your jar with 15 moth and then drop them on chinchompa.
Repeat last part till chinchompa fells a sleep.
Then go to that gnome and trade your points for hunter xp.
You can do it twice per day.
Here is lvl requirements for different moths, xp and point gains.
Ok, so this is guide for the most useful minigame in runescape - sinkholes.
Sinkholes is a minigame for Dungeoneering skill which i don't like so much. But this minigame is just lifesaver because it makes that skill way easier.
Dungeoneering has a lot of useful stuff so people are forced to level that skill, but you can just do daily sinkhole game and level up with no effort. It will take longer but no more dark dungeon grinding. Also if you lucky you can get lots of tokens.
To enter this minigame just check your minigame tab and about 3 minutes before game get yourself to Daemonheim.
Make sure you are on world 134.Its official sinkhole world.
Run to old guy named Talsar and ask to teleport you to sinkhole spawn location.
Wait there till sinkhole spawns.Get in.
If you have any stuff put it in chest.
Talk to Gorajo to enter dungeon.Your status will change to ready and then just wait.
Shortly you will be teleported to game and if its your first time you will have to choose your combat style.I prefer mage or range because they more efficient but melee works well too.
Now just run to new rooms and pick up exploratory totems, kill monsters and get at least 1 raw resource.
When you have all 3, focus on getting combat totems and exploratory totems.
Gather resources when there is no monsters left and all rooms have been explored.
Don't wait until you fill your inventor just deposit whatever you have to closest deposit chute.
Points for resources: 30 for combat totem 20 for exploratory totem 10 for resources
When everything turned in you will be teleported to treasure room.There you will want to know about 11 cards:
Trading leech card - trades your chest with previous player. Beguiling smoke devil card - randomizes all chests. Whimsical bunyip - will randomly generate and play one of 10 other cards. Trading mantis - trades your chest with next player. Thieving locust - trades your chest with last player. Scavenging meerkat - adds a bonus medium lamp to your chest. Reversing pheonix - reverses last card played before you. Protecting titan - protects your chest from next player. Preeing ibis - adds a piece of Hoardstalker outfit, ring, or Naabe title. Consistent yak - guarantees that you will get medium lamp. Cloning mosquito - copies chest of player before you.
My favorite cards is cloning mosquito, protecting titan, scavenging meerkat and trading mantis.
Even if you end up getting small lamp it's still worth it so there is no losers :)
If you need more information, you can find it here ;)
Good luck with rewards and have fun.
Check my video guide!